Saturday, December 27, 2008

The new member of the Cullen family (Alices lost twin sister!)

Yep so i got this new haircut for Christmas and I'm really happy with it! I even got redish highlights. BUt the best part is that I look sort of liuke Alice Cullen!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I like peace but it's hard to maintain. Especially at home. I mean when I see one of my brothers doing something really stupid. This kinda happens a lot. I automatically start to criticize them. But what does that get you? It gets you a now even more frustrated brother who is ready to start a fight. Instead the best thing to do is help them out or just not be mean. Another thing I have to work on to keep the peace is not complaining. Complaining is a toughy for me. It's just how I like to voice my opinion sometimes. But if I do complain I usually don't get what I want people just end up being short with me. So ya I can contribute to being a peacemaker in my house by doing this.

Being a better example

School is full of so much peer pressure these days. When one of my friends has an opinion about a teacher or homework or something not a lot of my friends voice their own opinions anymore. Instead they just nod and agree with the person and go with the flow. And I'm not going to lie I do it too. It just takes less effort than voicing your opinion. Like this, but in other more important times when someone is getting picked on and everyone is laughing, it would be so much easier to sit and laugh with them. And I regretfully admit I've done that too. But to stand up for what is right and question these things shows true personality. It's definitely not easy for me to do it but I'm working on it more in my life. Because when I see other people doing it, I have a lot of respect for that person and that is what I want.

What I am

These are two things I can relate myself to. A lollipop and a piano.

1) I am Tootsie Pop
On the outside
Colorful and bright
Behind the wrapper
A sweet sticky goodness
A solid brick
That guards its prize
The prize
An even more
Mouth drooling chocolate
The sweet and the chocolate work together
In harmony to make something
All together
Several layers
Each one better than the next
Sweet and sour
Chocolate and cherry
All adding to the whole

2)I am a piano
Each key brings a different pitch
Every one unique in its own way
It brings so many melodious moods
Eerie and creepy
Jolly and popping
Quiet and smooth
Played right, a tune appears
Played wrong a confusing mass of clashing sounds is heard
There are
High and
And there is everywhere in between
Sometimes the tone becomes out of tune
And one must rechannel it back
To its sweet ring of sound again
At first look a piano looks simple and sleek with its shining keys
But underneath the hood
Gadgets and strings move
Working to create the beautiful outcome
We hear

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Following the thing that guides you

Okay, so I've come to a conclusion for myself about life in general. It's not black and white. For a while I was all caught up on the church's standard's and living them exactly as told. But I realize now that those guidelines are set for you to keep you on track. You can date when you 15(if your readyamd mature enough) ...the world won't explode. I think what it really comes down to is following what your inner spirit tells you to do. For example Stephanie Meyer (the Twilight series author) never imagined herself as being a writer. Then one day she had a dream... and something told her to write it down. Now she is famous world wide and I am convinced this is her destiny and inner spirit guiding her. Now I'm not saying that if you follow your inner spirit your going to be rich and famous but your life will be fulfilled. So anyway back to black and white. You can do whatever you feel is right, like dating at 15, as long as you also feel you are following your inner spirit, and that will lead you to what you were meant to do no matter how small.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Teenage years aren't all they are hiped up to be

Being a teenager isn't always the best thing in the world. You have to deal with peer pressure and finding out who you are. Modesty is really tricky one. I sometimes want to wear a tank top or a skirt above my knees. They are way cute! I'm not going to lie. But at the same time... besides immodest clothing being immodest they are usually plain uncomfortable. Who wants to always be glancing at your shirt to make sure the low cut is no going too low. Or always pulling you miniskirt down so people don't see your underwear! Sometimes I think people go to large extents just to impress people.... it's really stupid. Media is also problem. You can't trust ratings on movies any more. Like some pg-13 movies are actually okay. For example Twilight... it's a good movie it shows good moral values. But other movies like Click can be inappropriate and perverted. It just sick. But they all say pg-13. What is one to think? It's so confuzzling. Dating is another issue. Everyone at my school is dating at such young ages. But why? People break up in like 2 days and get all emotional about it. Why waste your time doing that when you can actually have meaningful relationships with people if you wait just a little longer. I don't think that dating is restricted until you are 16 but I do thin k you should wait until truly ready to socialize with others maturely.


Okay if you haven't already seen the play Wicked GO SEE IT! It's a really good play that has several morals to it. For example one I've been thinking about, it's a question asked repeatedly through the play. Are people born wicked or is wickedness thrust upon them? I think that wickedness is thrust upon people, because of certain events in their life. For example, a thief might choose the wrong choices because his parents never taught him what is right and how to live his life. Something devastating might have happened that caused him to need money. He wasn't born a thief but through his life wickedness was thrust towards him. Even someone like a bully at school is effected through events. His parents may not give him the love he needs or he is being bullied as well. Again he wasn't born that way but he was changed through choices and consequences in his life.