Sunday, November 23, 2008


Okay if you haven't already seen the play Wicked GO SEE IT! It's a really good play that has several morals to it. For example one I've been thinking about, it's a question asked repeatedly through the play. Are people born wicked or is wickedness thrust upon them? I think that wickedness is thrust upon people, because of certain events in their life. For example, a thief might choose the wrong choices because his parents never taught him what is right and how to live his life. Something devastating might have happened that caused him to need money. He wasn't born a thief but through his life wickedness was thrust towards him. Even someone like a bully at school is effected through events. His parents may not give him the love he needs or he is being bullied as well. Again he wasn't born that way but he was changed through choices and consequences in his life.

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