Sunday, November 23, 2008

Teenage years aren't all they are hiped up to be

Being a teenager isn't always the best thing in the world. You have to deal with peer pressure and finding out who you are. Modesty is really tricky one. I sometimes want to wear a tank top or a skirt above my knees. They are way cute! I'm not going to lie. But at the same time... besides immodest clothing being immodest they are usually plain uncomfortable. Who wants to always be glancing at your shirt to make sure the low cut is no going too low. Or always pulling you miniskirt down so people don't see your underwear! Sometimes I think people go to large extents just to impress people.... it's really stupid. Media is also problem. You can't trust ratings on movies any more. Like some pg-13 movies are actually okay. For example Twilight... it's a good movie it shows good moral values. But other movies like Click can be inappropriate and perverted. It just sick. But they all say pg-13. What is one to think? It's so confuzzling. Dating is another issue. Everyone at my school is dating at such young ages. But why? People break up in like 2 days and get all emotional about it. Why waste your time doing that when you can actually have meaningful relationships with people if you wait just a little longer. I don't think that dating is restricted until you are 16 but I do thin k you should wait until truly ready to socialize with others maturely.


Jan said...

Absolutely LOVE your BLOG, Lauren!!! WOW! Grandma Jan!

Holt Fam said...

Hey babe! You are awesome! Love your posts. I'll start a blog soon and then we can be blogging buddies! Love you -H